연구개발 끊임없는 도전과 혁신으로 미래 자동차 시대를 펼쳐 나아가겠습니다


Research & Development Pride of Leading in Reestablishing Technology Global Standards

The R&D Center of WOORY Industrial Co., Ltd. continues engaging in systematically organizing and professionalizing the system
of developing a variety of core automotive components in addition to development of automotive HVAC, pioneering
technologies of automotive parts through development of the world-class research members as well as cutting-edge technologies.
We are determined to not only identify new opportunities from customers and markets but also secure more diverse driving
forces for future growth by developing competitive new products based on ceaseless efforts in R&D.

Key Competitiveness and Accomplishment in R&D
핵심 경쟁력 및 성과 핵심 경쟁력 및 성과 핵심 경쟁력 및 성과
Strategy for R&D 2024 Vision
Vision 달성 전략 Vision 달성 전략 Vision 달성 전략